GP Earnings

GP Earning Publication - 30th June 2023

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. The required disclosure is shown below.

Per Last Account 30.06.2023

  £ £ Number of GP
Practice Profits   856,398.00  
Rent Reinbursement 119.350.00    
Private Income 12,208.00    
Less Partners Personal expenses 20,000.00 151,558.00  
Less: profit share Re PM or Nurse Partner Lorna - Bonus - estm   151,558.00  
Less: Employers 14% (x14/114)   88,909.00 2
Add: Salaried GP`s Employed >6 months (Gross Pay)   226,956.00 6
Add: Locum Employed > 6 Months   144,666.00 4
    987,553.00 12
Mean Published Earnings   82,286.10.00  


The average pay for GPs working in Hampton Medical in the the last financial year was £82,296.10.00. This is based on the number of clinical heads worked in the practice for more than six months, irrespective of FTE. 

However, it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earning is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgment about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.