
Phone Line Opening Hours
Our phone lines are open from 8am till 6.30pm daily.
For Morning Appointments
Calls are taken between8am to 12.45pm
For Afternoon Appointments
Calls are taken between 2pm to 6pm
Alternatively you can book your appointment at the reception desk, between our opening times.
We allow one condition to be discussed per appointment.
Please note that if you are late for your face to face appointment of 5 minutes or more without prior notice, you may be asked to re-book your appointment.
*All of our calls are recorded for training and monitoting purposes.
Non-urgent advice: Appointment Options
Triage Appointment System
Hampton Medical Centre provides a triage appointment system. The Triage is a fancy word that basically means that a full trained General Practitioner or Advanced Practitioner will phone you and talk to you about your condition. This is basically an informational phone call to decide who would be the best member of our team to help you.
The clinician will then be able to determine if you do need to see someone in practice or not. They are, if applicable, also able to arrange treatments / medication, referrals, arrange appointments, or follow-up appointments. It has been proven to make the process a lot more efficient for patients and clinicians.
Via our Website Online Patient Triage Portal
You can submit a request for an appointment via our online app, by accessing the Patient Triage Online Consultation portal, and completing a “medical issue” form.
Online via the NHS App
If you are registered with the surgery for SystmOnline services, you can make an appointment via the NHS App for up to two weeks in advance.
Register for On-Line Access
To register for SystmOnline service, please speak to one of our Reception team either in person, at the reception desk or by phoning the surgery.
You can also use SystmOnline services via the NHS App to request your repeat prescription and to access your medical record.
Our Clinicians
Dr Salman Khan (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)
Dr Saima Khan (Wednesday & Friday)
Dr Inga Moon (Wednesday & Friday)
Dr Kathryn Moore (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)
Dr Georgios Schoians (Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)
Graham Moore (Tuesday & Thursday)
Zoe Goss (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)
Ching Hoi Yim (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)
Aelisha Shakya (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Praise Abiodun (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)
Godwin Ochube (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Cancelling an Appointment
You can cancel your appointment using our Patient Triage function and selecting the `I have an Admin Query form` or by calling the surgery on 01733 556900.
Home Visits
Please ring the surgery before 10:30 if you require a home visit. All requests for home visits will be triaged by a clinician.
If you need help with your appointment
Please tell us:
- If you need the services of an interpreter to help you with your consultation
- If you have any other access or communication needs
Non-urgent advice: Shared Care
Private consultants may ask GPs to enter into shared care arrangements for the prescription of certain drugs. As with any shared care agreement, a GP prescriber has no contractual obligation to accept an arrangement that they feel uncomfortable with. Shared care by definition requires ongoing input from secondary care when needed and we would advise prescribers that this may well not be guaranteed when a patient has seen a consultant privately. We would advise discussion of this with patients if you are aware that they are seeking a private opinion that might involve such a request as an outcome.
A private patient has a right to transfer into NHS care at any time. If they do transfer, they are entitled to that which is available locally to any other NHS patient with the same condition – no more, no less – and they should join the relevant NHS service at the same point as if their last episode of private care was delivered in the NHS, facing the same wait times as other NHS patients with the same clinical predicament at that point in the care pathway. In these circumstances, the private specialist should complete a consultant-to- consultant referral into the equivalent NHS clinic (which may be their own NHS clinic) – they should not ask the GP to do the referral for them.